There was another significant happening yesterday – I finished and exported the first cut of Habitat, the audio drama I wrote/performed in/am editing for Earbud Theater, and had the chance to share it with a few people.

This project has eaten up many hours from many days over the last month since I took over editing responsibilities, and even before that it was creating an always-fueled restlessness in me to share this story.


I guess the obsession makes sense. There aren’t many projects in my life that have called for so many of my different skills to all push so hard together on something so big. Even on top of the writing and acting, I’ve enjoyed every opportunity I have had to play in the editing process; and I was adding sound effects and music to creative projects as far back in highschool – even if, at the time, it was mostly crudely-improvised idiocy involving AV cables and cassette tapes.

And despite my love for live theater, I need some less-ephemeral calling cards to show the world what I can do. I have fallen in love with the audio drama medium – in the way that everything old is new again, I think podcasting has provided a great venue to rejuvenate this form, and I already have another script ready to record and more ideas in the pipeline to produce after this one is finished and launched. We’re on-track to release in late June/early July, so stay tuned!

Out of my brain, into your ears
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