I’ve committed myself to an aggressive schedule for getting out the first draft of a screenplay I’m working on. That’s usually the good play when people are actually waiting to see it, as in this case.

Last Friday was when I and another party pulled the trigger on me starting the draft; I wrote the first page immediately after as a kind of commemoration, but this was really the week I was going to crank up the machinery.

Monday, however, turned out to be a loss because I was recovering from the overnight shoots for the short film I worked on over the weekend. Then I had to spend most of Tuesday and Wednesday reading plays because of a committee I volunteered for. So it was really only yesterday that I was finally able to force this up to the top of the priority list where it is likely to remain for the next 5-6 weeks.

And, both yesterday and today, I hit a healthy quota of pages that keeps me on-target to reach my goal. I’ll write tomorrow as well just to make up for another lost weekday, but I should be able to enjoy Sunday off and then start Monday morning feeling on top of the workload. One of the healthiest things for myself, I’ve discovered, is when I can definitively shut the file and folder for the day and then dedicate my focus to other things. That guilty, sluggish space of half-productivity, where you’re doing nothing useful even as a chorus cries vaguely in your brain that you SHOULD be doing something useful right now – that’s almost worse than out-and-out sloth.

So, feeling good right now, and able to say – nothing more on that tonight.

This doesn’t mean I don’t have about 40 other projects/goals that could stand some attention.

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