This is a nice unplanned changeover – the same day I turn in the final cut of my new Earbud Theater podplay, Escape (The End of Humanity Song), we’re all about to gather in the Earbud lair to record my next script: The Sounds Below. There will be a lot more to say about Sounds Below, which we’re aiming to release around Halloween, and is probably the most purely-frightening thing I have ever written. We’ve got a phenomenal cast lined up that includes a couple of Earbud veterans and is headlined by award-winning audiobook narrator/performer Macleod Andrews.

Escape, meanwhile, should be free to rampage around the world starting Friday. You can subscribe through iTunes or directly through the syndication feed at the Earbud website in order to get it automatically. The piece runs about 32 minutes and tell the story of an estranged family that has a very, very limited amount of time to reconcile.

Just to whet your appetite, here’s our amazing episode artwork created, as it was for Habitat previously, by the very talented Kevin Necessary:

Escape final_72dpi

Wish me luck in the lair. It gets weird in there sometimes…

Busy day in that lair

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