I had an idea for a short film that was pretty exciting to me. It felt a little more substantial than the last couple of shorts I wrote; maybe an ambitious 15-20 pages with room for a couple of layers, a real emotional journey for the character, but still very producible on the cheap.

About 72 hours ago I up and started writing it. Now there’s 28 pages of it and I think I have at least 7-10 pages left to write.

I am a believer in the principle of “write your story, figure out the format later”, but this does put me in an odd category. If it’s a short film it’s definitely an oxymoron of one. But we’re nowhere near feature length; and right now any ponderings I have that it could be expanded to that length strike me as highly-dangerous. I don’t think the idea as conceived sustains that; but who knows?

What I do know is: during this restless week where I’ve been waiting to get back to work on editing the novel, I have unintentionally gone beyond keeping my fingers occupied. And that this story has been dragging me out of bed to write for the last couple of nights, and I usually take that as a good sign.

Okay, so it’s a long short
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